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Picture for category Wilier 2019

Wilier 2019

Wilier Triestina - is an Italian manufacturer of racing bikes, founded in 1906 by Pietro Dal Molin (Pietro Dal Molin) in Bassano del Grappa (Bassano del Grappa), Italy. Now based in Rossano (Rossano) Veneto (Veneto), Italy. The name of the company arose as an acronym for the phrase "W l'Italia Liberata e redenta", where W is an abbreviation for "Viva!" (Trans. "Long Live Italy, liberated and avenged!").
Italian professional and amateur Ironman triathlon teams compete on Wilier bikes.

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Wilier Jaroon

342,591.36 ₽

Wilier Jaroon Plus

387,277.19 ₽

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Min: 342,591.00 ₽ Max: 387,278.00 ₽
₽342591 ₽387278