

Thirtyfive years of successes. This is the business and sporting history of italian company Guerciotti. A fascinating history started in 1964, when Italo, known and expert cyclocross rider, decided to open a little bicycle shop with his brother, Paolo. If was Italo to give the bike passion to Paolo, who started in 1961 to ride in young cathegories, showing himself immediately very competitive and winner and than to ride exsclusevily in cyclocross and to ride the world championship in 1979 in Saccolongo.

3 Items in таблица 4 Items in таблица список

Guerciotti Eureka CX

340 828,42 ₽

Guerciotti Wind

390 914,32 ₽

Guerciotti E740 2020

410 948,68 ₽

Guerciotti E740 Disc 2020

466 653,97 ₽

Guerciotti Eclipse S Disc 2020

567 436,57 ₽

Guerciotti Eureka 70.3 2020

519 427,40 ₽

Guerciotti Eureka Air Disk 2020

536 285,58 ₽

Guerciotti Eureka TT 2020

632 181,75 ₽

Guerciotti Cykeln Fixed Criterium/Track

205 230,02 ₽

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Min: 205 230,00 ₽ Max: 632 182,00 ₽
₽205230 ₽632182